
Privacy policy

Updated: 1th of Aug, 2021

We are a privacy-first oriented company. Therefore, the privacy of your data—and it is your data, not ours—is a big deal to us. In this policy, we lay out: what data we collect and why; how your data is handled; and your rights to your data. We promise to never sell your data nor disclose it to anyone unlawfully: never have, never will.


The words of which the initial letter is capitalised have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions will have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or plural.

When we say “Company”, “Platform”, “App”, “We”, “Our”, or “Us” in this document, we are always referring to Tribevibe, both the website or the app, or Ensage OU, the company behind Tribevibe

When we say “Service”, we mean any product or feature created and maintained by Tribevibe, whether delivered within a web browser, mobile application or any other digital format.

When we say “You”, or “Member”, we mean you as the individual who uses the Tribevibe Platform and its Services.

When we say “Account” we mean a unique account created by You to access our Service or parts of our Service.

When we say “Device” we mean any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone or a digital tablet.

Data Controller and Data Processors

In the relationship between Us and You, We are the data controller. We decide on why, how and what personal data to collect and process.

We use the services of data processors. Data processors process your personal data on our behalf based on written instructions by Us.

You can read more about that in the section on with whom we share your personal data.

What we collect and why

Our guiding principle is for us to collect only the essential data to identify you and your relationship with the other community members. We do not collect data that we have no use for nor resources to analyze. Here’s what that means in practice:

When you sign up for an account at Tribevibe, we ask for identifying information such as:

  • first and last name

  • email address

  • date of birth

  • address, state, postal code, city

  • profile photos

  • and some more, but optional information, such as languages you speak, your interests, or other information about you that you voluntarily decide to share on your Tribevibe profile.

That’s just so you can personalize your profile, establish a relationship with the other members, and so that we can send you updates, or other essential information.

We’ll never sell your personal info to third parties, nor disclose it against the purposes of collection, and we won’t use your identity in marketing statements without your permission either.

What we don’t collect and why

We don’t collect any:

  • Sensitive personal data, such as religion, sexual orientation, gender expression, or physical and mental abilities or disabilities. You may provide these data voluntarily, to better connect with the Tribevibe community, but they are optional.

  • Biometric data. The photos you add to the platform are for your use alone and to better connect with the Tribevibe community, but we do not extract any biometric information from your photo, and their metadata.

  • Geolocation. We do use Google Geo Queries to locate users and improve their user experience, but we do not match that data with any other data, so we cannot identify you based on that.

  • Payment information. When you pay for a subscription at Tribevibe, we ask for your credit card and billing address. That’s so we can charge you for service, calculate taxes due, and send you receipts.

  • However, your credit card information or any other payment information never reaches us. Your credit card is passed directly to our payment processor and doesn’t ever go through our servers, so we are not able to see your sensitive billing info. We only store a record of the payment transaction, including the last 4 digits of the credit card number and the billing address, for account history, invoicing, and billing support. We use Stripe to process the payments. Stripe, just like Us, takes care of users’ data privacy. Read Stripe‘s global privacy policy.

With whom we share your personal data

We use trusted third-party tools to be able to provide you with our Service. These tools process your personal data on our behalf and as per our instructions. They are our data processors.

We use the following data processors:

  • Twilio. We use Twilio to provide you with the chat functionality contain within the mobile application.

  • Revue. We use Revue as an email newsletter tool. Unlike other email services that require much more data to be shared to them, to Revue we share only your email address and your first and last name.

The data processors are allowed to process data only for the purposes set out by Us.

Website and mobile app interactions

When you browse our website or mobile application, your device automatically shares certain information such as which operating system and browser version you are using.

We track that information, along with the pages you are visiting, page load timing, and which website referred you for statistical purposes like conversion rates, click rates, and to test new designs.

But all data is stripped down from your personal information and is anonymous. So, we track only the raw data, but not how they relate to your identity. Simply put, we know that someone has visited the website or used the app, but we don’t know who it was. Your browsing and use of the app remain private.

Voluntary correspondence

When you write to us with a question or to ask for help, we keep that correspondence, including the email address, so that we have a history of past correspondences to reference if you reach out in the future.

We also store any information you volunteer like surveys. Sometimes when we do customer interviews, we may ask for your permission to record the conversation for future reference or use. But we only do so if you give your express consent.

When we access or share your information

Our default practice is to not access your information. The only times we’ll ever access or share your info are:

  1. To help you troubleshoot or squash a software bug, with your permission. If at any point we need to access your account to help you with a support case, we will ask for your consent before proceeding.

  2. To investigate, prevent, or take action regarding restricted uses. Accessing a member’s account when investigating potential abuse is a measure of last resort. We have an obligation to protect the privacy and safety of both our customers and the people reporting issues to us. We do our best to balance those responsibilities throughout the process.

If Tribevibe is acquired by or merged with another company—we don’t plan on that, but if it happens—we’ll notify you well before any info about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

Location of site and data

Our website and mobile application are hosted in the European Union. Moreover, we process the data in the European Union. Once we collect your personal data and it reaches our servers or the servers of our processors, We never transfer it outside of the European Union.

Your rights with respect to your information

At Tribevibe, we apply the same data rights to all customers, regardless of their location. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to the relationship between Us and You.

Tribevibe recognizes all of the rights granted in these regulations. These rights include:

  • Right to Know. You have the right to know whether we collect or process personal data and what personal data is collected and/or processed. We outline both the categories and specific bits of data we collect, as well as how they are used, in this privacy policy.

  • Right of Access. This includes your right to access the personal information we collect about you, and your right to obtain information about the sharing, storage, security and processing of that information.

  • Right to Correction. You have the right to request correction of your personal data if it is inaccurate.

  • Right to Erasure / To be Forgotten. This is your right to request, subject to certain limitations under applicable law, that your personal information be erased from our possession and, by extension, all of our service providers. Fulfilment of some data deletion requests may prevent you from using our services because our applications may then no longer work. In such cases, a data deletion request may result in closing your account.

  • Right to Complain. You have the right to make a complaint regarding our handling of your personal information with the appropriate supervisory authority. To identify your specific authority or find out more about this right, EU individuals should refer to this document. If you are not from the European Union, then you can complain to the Data Protection Inspectorate of Estonia.

  • Right to Restrict Processing. This is your right to request restriction of how and why your personal information is used or processed.

  • Right to Object. You have the right, in certain situations, to object to how or why your personal information is processed.

  • Right to Portability. You have the right to receive the personal information we have about you and the right to transmit it to another party.

You can submit your requests to us at We will respond as soon as we can, but no later than 30 days from the date of the submission of the request. In the case of complex requests that require significant effort for responding, the response may take additional 30 days.

From our small team at Tribevibe: Thank you for your trust. It means a lot.